Exporting Print Ready PDF Files



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Exporting Print Ready PDF Files

For complex projects, we prefer to receive native application files (not PDF’s) to provide you with the best printing experience possible. However, if submitting a PDF for a job, please ensure it is converted to 4 color CMYK (with the exception of dielines and actual spot ink colors).

  • When exporting PDFs from InDesign, be sure to select Adobe PDF (Print), and NOT Adobe PDF (Interactive).
  • Include any embedded fonts and convert protected fonts to outlines if necessary.
  • Submit any booklets as Pages instead of Spreads.
  • Compatibility: Save as Acrobat 7 or higher -- despite what other printers might use, we prefer files that are NOT flattened (saved in Acrobat 4 or with PDF/X-1a standard) as we are using the latest Adobe PDF rendering engine on our RIP which supports transparent objects.
  • Compression: Use 300 ppi color images with Bicubic Downsampling. Set compression to Automatic (JPEG) and set Image Quality to Maximum.
  • Marks and Bleeds: Include Crop Marks and make sure Bleed is turned on (and that 0.125 in or 0.25 inches is specified.). Do NOT use Bleed Marks as this sometimes confuses the cutter.
  • Output: User Convert to Destination (Preserve Numbers) and use our GRACoL2013_CRPC6 V2 color profile (Click here to download our color profile/presets package). If this profile is unavailable, use “U.S. Sheetfed Coated v2”. Do NOT use SWOP as this is intended for web presses on thin paper with a low ink limit.
  • Ink Manager (under Output): Be sure to check the box to convert “All Spots to Process” -- this will change all the icons on the spot colors to a 4-color icon. If you have a dieline, spot coating, or the job uses any spot colors please then uncheck the icon next to those items to ensure they output correctly.
  • After you have all these settings correct, you can hit “Save Preset” and name it “SunDance Final Output”. Then you can re-use this preset at a later time.
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More in this category: Dutch Cuts and Irregular Cuts »

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Headquartered in Central Florida, SunDance provides global solutions to companies large and small primarily in the Southeast United States.

9564 Delegates Dr.
Building A
Orlando, FL 32837
Local & Sales: 844-42-PRINT
Operations: 407-734-7444
8am-5pm M-F




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