Using Adobe Photoshop



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Using Adobe Photoshop

Using Adobe Photoshop Using Adobe Photoshop
  • Feel free to create files in either RGB or CMYK color mode. RGB mode will give you a wider range of colors and offer more advantages with using filters and color transfer modes, but if using RGB be sure to check View > Proof Colors or use the Gamut Warning tool to preview how the color will convert to CMYK and print. Gamut Warning indicates which colors will not print as expected.
  • If creating images from scratch, be sure they are 300ppi at intended output size. If an image is smaller than 300ppi, our RIP will issue a warning in the Preflight report, so it is best to enlarge the image in Photoshop or else it will appear ‘blocky’ rather than just ‘soft’.
  • If creating entire layouts or backdrops in Photoshop, remember to include enough bleed by making the document size 0.25” inches larger in width and height (0.125” bleed on both sides).
  • We always discourage using Photoshop for typesetting or final output. It is always recommended to use InDesign for this.
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