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In technical terms, double cutting in flexible packaging refers to the process of cutting a material twice using two rotary blades. This process is typically performed using a rotary die cutting machine, which uses a pair of circular blades to make two cuts in quick succession. The first cut partially cuts the material, and the second cut completes the cut, creating a clean, accurate edge.

We're not using an offline rotary machine to make double cuts - they are performed inline on the pouching line with two single blades spaced 4mm or 6mm apart.

The process of double cutting helps to ensure that the material is cut precisely and uniformly, reducing the risk of material unraveling or fraying. It also helps to prevent the material from stretching or deforming during the cutting process, which can result in an irregular edge. The use of double cutting in flexible packaging can also improve the strength of the cut edge, making it less likely to break or tear during handling, transport, or storage.

The advantages of double cutting in flexible packaging also include improved production speed, enhanced appearance, and better sealing. By cutting the material twice, the process can be completed more quickly and efficiently, allowing for increased production speed. The clean, accurate edge created by double cutting also results in a more professional-looking finished product. Finally, a smooth, clean edge can provide a better seal when used in conjunction with heat-sealing equipment, helping to prevent leaks and maintain product freshness.

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